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Cascade Music
CFM Flash Intro
Balloon Festival
Balloon Flash Show

Linda Wada's Events Gallery

Events can be challenging and fun to photograph.

One year I worked as the official photographer of the Cascade Festival of Music in Bend, Oregon. It took two months worth of planning and nearly two weeks of actual shooting. Many long nights of developing film, printing of contact sheets and prints during and after the festival. I have included a gallery section for the festival photos under the link called Cascade Music.

The latest event I have been covering is the local balloon festival which started here in 2003. I am doing this project on my own and just for fun. Thousands of people are taking pictures of these balloons either at the launch site or from their neighborhoods as the balloons fly overhead. The event is a bit of a surprise every year, for the wind decides which way the balloons travel. I plan to add to this collection about the balloon event each year.

The Balloon Festival Flash introduction page enters into a special full-length Flash show. It is about 1:30 minutes long. It works best on a cable modem, but is viewable using a 56K phone modem, if you allow time for the file to download to your computer.