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Welcome to Linda Wada's Photography Gallery

When I first started college, my real interest was in music and writing. While I had talent for music, my writing was more of a dream, for I always had trouble with writing, but never knew the source of my difficulties.

It was during this time I learned I had dyslexia, which explained the problems I was having with writing. After being told by English teachers to basically find something else to do, I decided to take a class in Black and White photography at my local college. And over time I found myself spending more time on a great adventure in the photo lab.

I started studying photography in the fall of 1978 at the College of Southern Idaho. I worked as a photo lab assistant under the work study program started by President Carter. I studied there for two years and worked my way to earning a scholarship into the Sun Valley Art Center program in the summer of 1980 in Sun Valley, Idaho.

In the fall of 1982, I married my husband Wesley Wada, who was the Photography professor at CSI and from whom I first learned photography. In the summer of 1983 we decided to spend our summers on the road and packed up the van and traveled full time for three months each summer for the next nine years. Most of the black and white scenics come from that period.

During the school year, I worked for the Public Relations Office at the college. In my free time I worked on creative photo series that appeared in various photography shows in the west.

In the 1990's, we moved to Bend, Oregon where my photography work continued in Public Relations for newspapers and commercial businesses. Today, most of my photography is for our company WadaWorks, private clients and personal projects.

As for writing, I decided to forget what those English teachers said, and really started to work head on with writing the last few years. With the help of my husband and a few very special people, I have been doing all of the writing for my Edna Purviance web site. While my husband does help with the editing, I do all the research, writing and web work on the site. I find the best way to deal with dyslexia is to tackle it head on. But I also know I would have not gotten this far without the special encouragement from a few very special people.

Below is a list of photography shows my work appeared in during the 1980's and some of the various photography projects done over the years.

Since there is still interest and links in the old gallery site I will leave that site up. Here is the link to the Old Gallery Site. It does have different pictures and comments.

Photography Art Show Years - 1979 - 1991
Honorable Mention
International Photo Exhibition (Juried)
Sam Huston State Unverisity

Best of Show
Paper Works II Biennial (Juried Regional)
College of Southern Idaho - photo entry

Best of Show
Twin Falls Library Photography Exhibition (Juried)
Twin Falls, Idaho - creative photo

Idaho State Show
Idaho Biennial (Juried State Show)
Boise Gallery of Art, Boise, Idaho - photography

Sunspot Gallery (invitation one artist show)
College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho

Sunspot Gallery (invitation two-person show)
Summer Residents I
College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho

Sunspot Gallery (invitation two-person show)
Summer Residents II
College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho

State Show
Mind's Eye Gallery - (one-artist show)
Idaho State Unverisity, Pocatello, Idaho

Third Place
National Junior College Paragon Awards and Exhibition
Nationwide College Public Relations - Third Place in Color Photography

Nine Idaho Photographers
State Show - Boise State University Gallery of Art, Boise, Idaho

Sunspot Gallery (one-artist show)
"Photographs from the Commercial/Industrial Zone"

College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho

Juried Regional
Mountain States Biennial
Nora Eccles Museum, Utah State University, Logan, Utah

Juried State
Photographic Visions - Statewide Show
Idaho Centennial Traveling Exhibition

Juried State
Spirit of the West - (special designed traveling show)
Idaho Centennial Traveling Exhibition (State of Idaho)

Juried Regional
Art Zone
Jewish Community Center Gallery, Denver, Colorado

Juried Regional
Big Sky Biennial VI
Davis Gallery, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho

Juried State
Idaho Centennial Biennial
Boise Gallery of Art, Boise, Idaho

15th Annual Exhibition (Group Invitational)
University of Oregon Museum of Art, Eugene, Oregon

International (Juried)
Magic Silver Show
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa

Utah State University (two-person invitational show)
Utah State University, Logan, Utah

Special Photography Projects and Work
1978 -1991
College Photo Lab
Darkroom Assistant
With President Jimmy Carter's work/study program, I was able to go to college. It allowed me to study photography while helping the college program.

I started as a photo lab assistant in late 1978 and kept the job of managing the lab as Public Relation Photographer for the college until spring of 1991. The job only paid up to one hour below full time, but I worked many 72-hour weeks, and even 100-hour weeks. The trade off was having all the college holidays and summers off, which helped with the long hours during the year.
1979 - 1980
Open Space
Open Space
The first alternative newspaper I can remember being published in Twin Falls, Idaho. I worked as part of the photo staff and paste-up crew. (This was before personal computers and layout programs.) Remember Letraset?

Duck Valley Project
Duck Valley Indian Reservation Project
Sole project printer for exhibition and publication on the verbal and visual history of the Shoshone-Paiute tribes. Under direction of Ellen Manchester, Sun Valley Center for the Arts and Humanities, Sun Valley, Idaho. All prints were made from 4x5 negatives into 24x17 inch archival prints.

Making the Mask
Making the Mask
Special museum booklet photography project for the Herrett Museum, College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho.

Public Relations
CSI Official Public Relations Photographer
Photographer for College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho. Included all sport team photos for annual basketball program (some published in USA Today), all college publications that included slide shows and statewide and national publications for the college. I did all developing and printing of black and white work. Plus hundreds of projects large and small over the years for all the programs connected with the school.

1980's Times News and Regional newspapers
Working for a college, I was involved with many college and personal projects for individuals that were published in the local and regional newspapers in Idaho and in the intermountain west.

Bend View
Bend View Photographer
Photographer for the Bend View, local upstart newspaper in Bend, Oregon in the early 1990's. I had several cover photos and many stories during my time at the newspaper.

Cascade Business News
Cascade Business News Photographer
Local business newspaper for Bend, Oregon. Included photos for stories, articles, ads and events in color slides and black and white prints.

Cascade Festival of Music
Official Photographer for 1998 local music event in Bend, Oregon. Full coverage from the scheduled musical program to all behind the scenes events and special parties.

1990's - 2000's
Various Stories for Oregonian
Photos used for full page stories including coast nature hiking vacations and snowshoeing.

2000's - current Various Projects in Western U.S. and overseas
Includes commercial photo website work for North Platte Lodge (Wyoming), Sugar Creek Ranch (California), Inside Angler (California), Iron Gardens (Oregon) and a research project in the United Kingdom. Link to United Kingdom Tour. Includes photos taken by Wesley Wada.

2004 - current Bend Living
Photos used for stories, including the latest Bend Centennial issue, A Century of History. (1905-2005)

2000 - current
Edna Purviance
Edna Purviance Research Project (Charlie Chaplin's leading lady)
Photographing her home and other locations in the west and overseas for - a website and research project to find the history of silent film star Edna Purviance. (see contact page for link to Edna's site)

Also, check out the Chaplin Library for a look at Chaplin books from around the world. From the collection of Dominique Dugros.

Other Creative interest Other interest over the years
Music and drawing were my first real interests growing up. I never had the real talent to make it in drawing, but I thought I might had a bit of a chance in music. But during my childhood years, I had no support for either. Today, computer software programs create an exciting option for would-be musicians. This is a link to my new found interest in music using garageband.

Music creating with Apple's GarageBand

Drawing is something I have just tried to get back into recently. I hope to share some later, but for people interested in drawing and especially illustration, like for comics, here is a link to my favorite site. Created by the very talented UK artist Garen Ewing, it showcases his comic book work and has links page to other fine artists in the field.

Rainbow Orchid

Garen introducted me to something exciting called RadioPods. Here is a link to find Garen's Radiopod cast in the UK. A very enjoyable new way to learn about new music, as well as old favorites and forgotten tunes.

Materials and Equipment used during the 1980's

Cameras and Film Cameras
Most of the pictures taken during the 1980's were with 35mm, 2-1/4 medium format and 4x5 view cameras.

Films and Photo Paper
Films used for the pictures included Ilford FP4, llford Pan-F, Kodak Tri-X, Kodachrome and Kodak Infrared 50. All the exhibit prints were printed on Seagull Oriental and all the commercial projects on llford RC Graded papers.

Note: From England, Ilford has been the standard for the best in Black and White films, chemicals, and papers. Sadly, this company that is over 100 years old, is sounding like will be leaving the traditional film and paper business. Other companies are leaning toward this end, as well, as less people use film. I will certainly miss all the fine Ilford B&W products I have used... - Sept. 1, 2004

Special thanks to the people I known over the years:
Wesley Wada, Mary Eisel, Garen and Elyssa Ewing, Dominique and Emeline Dugros, Paul Slaney, Stephen and Barbara Burstin, Peter Jewell, Rita Eberle, JoAnn Cordis, Dave and Aleta Nissen, Ann Nora Kurger, Max and Nila Peel, Annette Jenkins (CSI Public Relations 1980's), Michele Halderman, Brian Chitwood (Bend View early 1990's), Ellen Manchester (Sun Valley Art Center 1980), Pamela Andrews (Cascade Business News mid-1990's), Mr. and Mrs. Walton (who were the first people I met who used a 35mm camera with a light meter). Once again, special thanks to Wes Wada for his editing help.

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